dimanche 25 juillet 2010

Designing books: practice and theory - J. Hochuli & R. Kinross

Designing books: practice and theory, Jost Hochuli, Robin Kinross, Hyphen Press, 1996.

"So: at one time asymmetry is cultural Bolshevism; twenty years later it stands for capitalism. Symmetrical typography is championed on both occasions, 1933 and 1953, but by two diametrically opposed ideologies. One can laugh - or perhaps cry.
We will not be able to stop ideologues and dogmatists. They are like the cat one throws out of the front door, only to find that it has crept in again through the back door. But we are called - at least in the field of book typography - to fight with such a strength as we have against the nonsense they serve up. We will better be able to do this if we remember Kant's challenge: 'Have courage to use your own understanding!'

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